Most people do not believe in anything very much and our greatest poetry is given to us by those who do.
Cyril ConnollyWhen young we are faithful to individuals, when older we grow loyal to situations and to types.
Cyril ConnollyHate is the consequence of fear; we fear something before we hate; a child who fears noises becomes the man who hates them.
Cyril ConnollyIn youth the life of reason is not in itself sufficient; afterwards the life of emotion, except for short periods, becomes unbearable.
Cyril ConnollyIt is significant comment on the victory of science over magic that were someone to say ‘if I put this pill in your beer it will explode,’ we might believe them; but were they to cry ‘if I pronounce this spell over your beer it will go flat,’ we should remain incredulous and Paracelsus, the Alchemists, Aleister Crowley and all the Magi have lived in vain. Yet when I read science I turn magical; when I study magic, scientific.
Cyril Connolly