Let man only approach his own self with a deep respect, even reverence for all that the creative soul, the God-mystery within us, puts forth. Then we shall all be sound and free. Lewdness is hateful because it impairs our integrity and our proud being. The creative, spontaneous soul sends forth its promptings of desire and aspiration in us. These promptings are our true fate, which is our business to fulfill. A fate dictated from outside, from theory or from circumstance, is a false fate.
D. H. LawrenceOne must learn to love, and go through a good deal of suffering to get to it, like any knight of the grail, and the journey is always towards the other soul, not away from it. . . . To love you have to learn to understand the other, more than she understands herself, and to submit to her understanding of you. It is damnably difficult and painful, but it is the only thing which endures.
D. H. LawrenceBrave people add up to an aristocracy. The democracy of thou-shalt-not is bound to be a collection of weak men.
D. H. LawrenceEurope is, perhaps, the least worn-out of the continents, because it is the most lived in. A place that is lived in lives.
D. H. LawrenceThe true artist doesn't substitute immorality for morality. On the contrary, he always substitutes a finer morality for a grosser one.
D. H. Lawrence