You love me so much, you want to put me in your pocket. And I should die there smothered.
D. H. LawrenceIt always seemed to me that men wore their beards, like they wear their neckties, for show.
D. H. LawrenceThe soul is a very perfect judge of her own motions, if your mind doesn't dictate to her.
D. H. LawrenceMost fatal, most hateful of all things is bullying.... Sensual bullying of course is fairly easily detected. What is more dangerous is ideal bullying. Bullying people into what is ideally good for them.
D. H. LawrenceIn the dust where we have buried the silent races and their abominations we have buried so much of the delicate magic of life.
D. H. LawrenceIt seems to me that the chief thing about a woman - who is much of a woman - is that in the long run she is not to be had... She is not to be caught by any of the catch-words, love, beauty, honor, duty, worth, work, salvation - none of them - not in the long run. In the long run she only says Am I satisfied, or is there some beastly dissatisfaction gnawing and gnawing inside me. And if there is some dissatisfaction, it is physical, at least as much as psychic, sex as much as soul.
D. H. Lawrence