I'm sorry I hurt your hand...with my face." -Bobby Pendragon
Looks like it's time to liven up this dead little town!" - Saint Dane (The Reality Bug)
Oh yeah, and Spader was hanging out with a penguin" -Bobby Pendragon
I saw the horrible way that people could treat each other. That may be the saddest thing of all. I saw greed and anger and murder and a total lack of concern for human life. It was a wicked side of the human soul that I saw... and it saddened me to know that such a dark place existed.
You'd better put sunblock on that skeleton head of yours. You're gonna fry." -Bobby
There will be no more protests. No more dissension. No more violence. There will be only one voice. The voice of Ravinia. The voice of Halla. Your voice." "There goes freedom of speech," I said.