The time for letting the Christian bashing go on essentially unchallenged has come to an end... There is a great need for a Christian anti-defamation league. To some degree, there is such an organization emerging on the horizon, the Catholic League... I have had it on my heart for about a decade - and have even expressed the thought - that a Christian anti-defamation league would be helpful.
D. James KennedyTolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality.
D. James KennedyIn France, religion had been considered the enemy of liberty, but in America, as George Washington expressed it, religion and morality were the 'twin pillars of freedom.'
D. James KennedyGod loves America. When you consider what He went through to bring our forbearers to this magnificent land, and when you realize what He accomplished in bringing forth a new nation on this continent - a government founded on Christian have to realize that He had a dramatic vision and purpose for this nation.
D. James KennedyAnytime you hear the concept of the separation of church and state being talked about these days, it is never in regard to maintaining the restraints on government; instead, it is always talking about what Christians and churches cannot do.
D. James KennedyThe time for letting the Christian bashing go on essentially unchallenged has come to an end... There is a great need for a Christian anti-defamation league. To some degree, there is such an organization emerging on the horizon, the Catholic League... I have had it on my heart for about a decade - and have even expressed the thought - that a Christian anti-defamation league would be helpful.
D. James Kennedy