The point of my music? The point I just want to get across is I'm me and I exist. Just letting people know who I am. Ever since I was young, I was the little attention grabber; I always loved attention. I want to grab people's attention. I want them listen to me and know that this is really good music. Whether they like it or not, they're gonna listen.
D-PrydeWho doesn't like money? I love money. Why not. My subject matter will change when I get to that point.
D-PrydeI would like to meet with Drake. I would love to meet him. He's from the city I'm from. I feel we share the same interests and I'm really just into his music and him as a person in general. He's great at what he does. I would want to meet Eminem. He was my first ever influence. The reason why I even started writing was because my mom bought me my first Eminem CD and I was glued from there.
D-PrydeYou're always going to miss your daily eating spots, your daily hangouts with your friends, family. I miss my family like crazy, all the time.
D-PrydeTalent isn't really enough to make it in any world. If you're trying to be a superstar, or at the highest rate of fame, you have to have personality too. You have to be a well-rounded person. It takes way more than talent nowadays.