We do not realize that as soon as our thoughts cease and all attempts at forming ideas are forgotten the Buddha reveals himself before us.
D.T. SuzukiThe meaning of service is to do the work assigned ungrudgingly and without thought of personal reward material or moral.
D.T. SuzukiAmong the most remarkable features characterizing Zen we find these: spirituality, directness of expression, disregard of form or conventionalism, and frequently an almost wanton delight in going astray from respectability.
D.T. SuzukiUntil we recognize the SELF that exists apart from who we think we are - we cannot know the Ch'an ( ZEN ) MIND
D.T. SuzukiWhen traveling is made too easy and comfortable, its spiritual meaning is lost. This may be called sentimentalism, but a certain sense of loneliness engendered by traveling leads one to reflect upon the meaning of life, for life is after all a travelling from one unknown to another unknown.
D.T. Suzuki