There should be a balance between material and spiritual progress, a balance achieved through the principles based on love and compassion.
Dalai LamaWhat we do and think in our own lives, then, becomes of extreme importance as it effects everything we're connected to.
Dalai LamaIf you wonder what you were doing in the past, look at your body; to know what will happen to you in the future, look at your mind.
Dalai LamaI think when tragic things happen it is on surface. It is like the ocean. One the surface a waves and sometimes the wave is very serious and strong. But it comes and goes, comes and goes, and underneath, the ocean always remains calm. Tibetans have a saying: "If bad news comes to you listen here" (points to the right ear) "and let it our here" (points to the left ear).
Dalai LamaThe death penalty fulfills a preventive function, but it is also very clearly a form of revenge. It is an especially severe form of punishment because it is so final. The human life is ended and the executed person is deprived of the opportunity to change, to restore the harm done or compensate for it.
Dalai Lama