There are many other [then ISIS] terrorist organizations. And their primary victims are Muslims. I think that's very important.
Dalia MogahedMuslims have a right to every other people, like everybody, to come to the United States.
Dalia MogahedWe have to be concerned about the gun killing that people who are Americans, who are Irish, and who are English, who are all around the country.
Dalia MogahedI had actually, after the Paris attacks in this country, we all patted ourselves on the back and said, "Well, we have a much more assimilated Muslim population here than they do in Europe."
Dalia MogahedThis is a book called Women in the Shade of Islam. It's published by the government of Saudi Arabia. I picked it up in Pakistan, where the Taliban Ladies Auxiliary, and our young wife in California would've picked up an item like this. And it puts out that Salafi-Wahhabi ideology that is ultimately the toxic poison that is crossing all these borders.
Dalia Mogahed