The chief internal enemies of any state are not spies nor saboteurs nor the paid agents of foreign governments. They are, on the contrary, those myriads of public officials who betray the trust imposed upon them by the people.
Dalton TrumboYou show me a politician with his heels ten feet in the air, and by Judas priest, Ill show you an honest politician.
Dalton TrumboThere are plenty of laws to protect guys' money even in war time but there's nothing on the books says a man's life's his own.
Dalton TrumboThis blacklisting is going to collapse because it is rotten, immoral and illegal. I am one day going to be working openly in the motion picture industry. When that day comes, I swear to you that I will never sign a term contract with any major studio. I will, proudly and by preference, do at least one picture a year for King Brothers, and I will try to make it the best picture that I have it in me to do
Dalton Trumbo