God wants us to relieve suffering, pursue justice, facilitate reconciliation, and free the heart to love, but He desires for us to do so in a way that reveals His Character. It is not enough just to do well for others or to do things well. We must do well in our unique way in order to reveal the vast creativity of a God who loves to bring change through the most unlikely channels.
Dan B. AllenderBuzyness, however, is moral laziness because it involves refusing to live with courage and intentionality.
Dan B. AllenderYou may obey a leader who has power and authority, but you will not strive to serve her or the cause of the organization unless you respect and care for her in addition to the ones with whom you serve.
Dan B. AllenderA leader - whether in the home, church, business, community, or government - has authority due to her role, but her positional power will not bring about good for individuals or organizations unless it is backed up by the capital of character.
Dan B. AllenderIf you are a leader, it is not possible to be at peace with all and friends with everyone.
Dan B. Allender