Get a job and when you earn a little bit of money, then you can do more good. Then bringing your values doesn't mean you have to compromise yourself. You got to get over this idea that you can't work for a big corporation, or for big oil or bigger pharma, because actually, those are some of the great jobs are and you can do good there.
Dana PerinoBelieve it or not, the number one fear in America remains public speaking. And, in some ways, I think that is a real shame because we are so blessed to live in a country where we are able to express ourselves, so we should want to do that.
Dana PerinoPresident Obama deserves credit for building what you call the largest coalition to fight terror.
Dana PerinoI'm a worrier by nature. My husband says that if I'm not worried about something, I'm worried about what I've forgotten to be worried about.
Dana Perino