Every great work of art has two faces, one towards its own time and one towards future, towards eternity.
Daniel BarenboimIsrael's strategy cannot be to constantly confront the Palestinians with the history of the Holocaust, but instead to show them that Israel is a reality.
Daniel BarenboimAnti-Semitism has no historical, political and certainly no philosophical origins. Anti-Semitism is a disease.
Daniel BarenboimIn the beginning, there was silence. And out of the silence came the sound. The sound is not here.
Daniel BarenboimI have heard Ori Kam on several occasions over the last few years and have always been deeply impressed with his playing. He possesses a rare combination of musical talent, technical facility, intelligence, and charisma, and he is undoubtedly one of the most extraordinary young artists I have heard in recent years.
Daniel Barenboim