Wherever there is a design that is highly successful in a broad range of similar environments, it is apt to emerge again and again, independently - the phenomenon known in biology as convergent evolution. I call these designs 'good tricks.'
Daniel DennettIn the long run I certainly hope information is the cure for fanaticism, but I am afraid information is more the cause than the cure.
Daniel DennettReligion is defined as social systems whose participants avow a supernatural agent or agents whose approval is to be sought.
Daniel DennettI should emphasize this, to keep well-meaning but misguided multiculturalists at bay: the theoretical entities in which these tribal people frankly believe — the gods and other spirits — don't exist. These people are mistaken, and you know it as well as I do. It is possible for highly intelligent people to have a very useful but mistaken theory, and we don't have to pretend otherwise in order to show respect for these people and their ways.
Daniel Dennett