The drive to Black Rock City from San Francisco leads through the Nevada flatlands, past the jittering neon sadness of Reno.
Daniel PinchbeckIf you step back from it and really think about what the mass media does on a global scale, the most significant thing it does is coordinate behaviour.
Daniel PinchbeckElectronic culture created soulless replacements for connective rituals- television supplanted tribal legends told by the fire; 'fast food' consumed in distraction took the place of a shared meal. We substituted matter for Mater (feminine principle), money for mother's milk, objects for emotional bonds.
Daniel PinchbeckDeep down, nobody wants a job to occupy his or her time. We want a mission that inspires us.
Daniel PinchbeckThe unbroken realization that you are indivisible from the universe, from universal consciousness, from the source of everything - that you are that source, that there is no other, no second, nothing that is not part of that unity, except as transitory illusion. If you could maintain that realization at all times, through waking and sleeping states of consciousness, across the threshold of death itself, what would you be?
Daniel Pinchbeck