My struggle now is with these red carpets. It is still really hard to get people to design for me. It's frustrating because you feel like you're the minority. You feel this pull of what it means to be "sample size" and you're not that and most designers don't have anything that fits. It's so important to continuously put billboards where people see curvy women and know that we are here and we deserve to be designed for. We deserve to spend our money on expensive stuff if we want.
Danielle Brooks"Be fearless," is one thing. I'm still learning what that means, to be fearless. It doesn't just mean to be fearless in your work, but also in life. Don't compare your career to anyone else's. It's tough when you're in a business that's competitive. Now, I'm having to learn to be patient and be where I am. Because I'm driven, I have a hard time being patient. The universe is like, "You're not ready! Sit back and wait." Everything will line up just how it's supposed to.
Danielle BrooksI go by my own standards, and I will be the voice of the curves for the women that feel like they can't stand up for themselves.
Danielle BrooksLuckily my fans are so lovely and I haven't really had to - what's the phrase? - "Clap back at the trolls?" Every now and then I do get a troll that mentions my skin color and calls me ugly names, though, like "Dark Monkey." Most of the time those people have their pages blocked, or you can't even see their profile picture. I can't focus on that. What I've realized is that I have the power to control how I feel about what they say.
Danielle Brooks