But even she had figured out that there was no point giving up a great job and following him to the ends of the earth, when he simply refused to make any promises about, or even discuss, the future.
Danielle SteelSo often people tell me: you got me through this, you've really helped me. And I never realized that part of what I do is that I give people hope.
Danielle SteelLove meant something to her, she dreamt of it, thought of it, wrote of it. It was the one thing in life that had eluded her completely.
Danielle SteelPeople are so obsessed with that these days. As long as you're healthy, what difference do a few pounds make? Crazy diets. Thirteen-year-old girls on magazine covers who wind up in hospitals because they're so anorexic. Real women don't look like that. And who wants them to? No one wants a woman who looks sick or like she;s been from a refugee camp.
Danielle Steel