All your renown is like the summer flower that blooms and dies; because the sunny glow which brings it forth, soon slays with parching power.
Dante AlighieriAs the geometer intently seeks to square the circle, but he cannot reach, through thought on thought, the principle he needs, so I searched that strange sight.
Dante AlighieriIf you're asking for a date, forget it. 'Cause I make it a point not to go out with women who shoot me in the head!
Dante AlighieriThere are souls beneath that water. Fixed in slimethey speak their piece, end it, and start again:'Sullen were we in the air made sweet by the Sun;in the glory of his shining our hearts poureda bitter smoke. Sullen were we begun;sullen we lie forever in this ditch.'This litany they gargle in their throatsas if they sand, but lacked the words and pitch.
Dante Alighieri