As little flowers, which the chill of night has bent and huddled, when the white sun strikes, grow straight and open fully on their stems, so did I, too, with my exhausted force.
Dante AlighieriOh foolish desires of mortals! How weak are the reasons that lead us to not take off our flight from the ground.
Dante AlighieriIn judgement be ye not too confident, Even as a man who will appraise his corn When standing in a field, ere it is ripe.
Dante AlighieriI saw a point that shone with light so keen, the eye that sees it cannot bear its blazing; the star that is for us the smallest one would seem a moon if placed beside this point.
Dante AlighieriThere sighs, lamentations and loud wailings resounded through the starless air, so that at first it made me weep; strange tongues, horrible language, words of pain, tones of anger, voices loud and hoarse, and with these the sound of hands, made a tumult which is whirling through that air forever dark, and sand eddies in a whirlwind.
Dante Alighieri