They had their faces twisted toward their haunches and found it necessary to walk backward, because they could not see ahead of them. ...And since he wanted so to see ahead, he looks behind and walks a backward path.
Dante AlighieriThe day that man allows true love to appear, those things which are well made will fall into cofusion and will overturn everything we believe to be right and true.
Dante AlighieriA prayer may chance to rise From one whose heart lives in the grace of God. A prayer from any other is unheeded.
Dante AlighieriAnd when he had put his hand on mine with a cheerful look, wherefrom I took courage, he brought me within to the secret things. Here sighs, laments, and deep wailings were resounding through the starless air; wherefore at first I wept thereat. Strange tongues, horrible utterances, words of woe, accents of anger, voices high and faint, and sounds of hands with them, were making a tumult which whirls always in that air forever dark, like the sand when the whirlwind breathes.
Dante Alighieri