Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.
Darlene ZschechRegardless of the method, the act of worship must be in spirit and truth-from our rational consciousness and consistent with the rest of our lives (see John 4:24). We don't have to be great singers or musicians to worship God. But we do need to be in a personal relationship with Him and live with the truth of His greatness reflecting through all we are becoming and all we do.
Darlene ZschechWhen your humanness is confronted by the magnificence and holiness of God, you are made SO aware of your need for God’s grace...Romans 12:1 teaches us how to live this life of worship and love.
Darlene ZschechIf you're hungry, God is feeding. You know, if you're listening; He is speaking. And I think sometimes trouble and intense hardship can make us - it made me at times, you know, block our ears, shut our eyes, it's like too much. But actually He's speaking, He's encouraging us, He's loving us all the time.
Darlene ZschechGod is okay. He's got big shoulders. He's okay with our - with our questioning and our - you know, I think the bigger the question, the bigger the answer, you know? It may be sickness, it may be loss, it may be disappointment, but sometimes you feel like heaven's silent, that "God, how-how can this be love?" But actually, if you go back to the Word, you know, it just underpins everything.
Darlene Zschech