To women, drummers seem like these adorable, sexy Neanderthals, but lead singers seem mysterious and dangerous. So while the lead singers all want to be David Bowie, floating into parties and being the center of attention, it's the drummers who are in the corner doing keg stands and breaking tables. Usually it's the drummers who get the fun-loving ladies and the singers who get the nutcases.
Dave GrohlAlways have the highest bar for yourself. Wake up everyday and no matter how crappy you feel, want to change something for the better. Do something that makes someone happy. Create something that inspires someone. Be someone's light when they are hopeless.
Dave GrohlA lot of the records you buy, there's nothing you can hold in your hand, it's all 1âēs and 0âēs, this digital cloud floating in the ether, but with analog albums, you can hold it in your hand.
Dave Grohl