Heartfelt and willing obedience invites the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.
David A. BednarWould the Lord send one of the Twelve Apostles halfway around the world to help just one person? The answer is YES. He does it all the time.
David A. BednarTrust and confidence in Christ and a ready reliance on His merits, mercy, and grace lead to hope, through His Atonement, in the Resurrection and eternal life. Such faith and hope invite into our lives the sweet peace of conscience for which we all yearn.
David A. BednarThe issue is not going to church; rather, the issue is worshipping and renewing covenants as we attend church. The issue is not going to or through the temple; rather, the issue is having in our hearts the spirit, the covenants, and the ordinances of the Lord's house. The issue is not going on a mission; rather, the issue is becoming a missionary and serving throughout our entire life with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength.
David A. Bednar