You and I, today and always, are to bear witness of Jesus Christ and declare the message of the Restoration. ... Missionary work is a manifestation of our spiritual identity and heritage.
David A. BednarInterestingly, simple and ordinary experiences often provide the most important learning opportunities we ever have.
David A. BednarThe enabling power of the Atonement strengthens us to do and be good and to serve beyond our own individual desire and natural capacity.
David A. BednarA grateful person is rich in contentment. An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment.
David A. BednarIf all opposition were curtailed, if all maladies were removed, then the primary purposes of the Father's plan would be frustrated.
David A. BednarWhen we believe or say we have been offended, we usually mean we feel insulted, mistreated, snubbed, or disrespected. And certainly clumsy, embarrassing, unprincipled, and mean-spirited things do occur in our interactions with other people that would allow us to take offense. However, it ultimately is impossible for another person to offend you or to offend me. Indeed, believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else.
David A. Bednar