I mean, it is an extraordinary thing that a large proportion of your country and my country, of the citizens, never see a wild creature from dawn 'til dusk, unless it's a pigeon, which isn't really wild, which might come and settle near them.
David AttenboroughIn the Baboon community, it is not how strong you are that is important, but who you know that counts
David AttenboroughAn understanding of the natural world and what's in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment...
David AttenboroughThe correct scientific response to something that is not understood must always be to look harder for the explanation, not give up and assume a supernatural cause.
David AttenboroughHuman beings, because we're so clever, have removed every single one of those population limiting factors... So nothing controls our increase in numbers except our own wish. Since I first started making television programs, the population of the world has increased three times. That's an extraordinary notion. Can it increase four times? Can it increase five times? The Earth is a finite size. So a point will eventually come when we run out of food, when we run out of space and when we will have destroyed most of the natural world. So ought we to do something about it before that happens?
David Attenborough