That's exactly what made America so different, we don't have that colonial aspect of let's go conquer somebody else and make our nation bigger and that's because of the faith element.
David BartonIt is interesting to note that during the last ten years Washington's 'Farewell Address' has begun to reappear in college textbooks - minus the four religious warnings.
David BartonThe Founders intended only to prevent the establishment of a single national denomination, not to restrain public religious expressions.
David BartonSeparation of church and state is the big club pulled out to beat back the Christians .
David BartonLiteracy is part of everyday social practice - it mediates all aspects of everyday life. Literacy is always part of something else - we are always doing something with it. Its what we choose to do with it that is important. There are a range of contemporary literacies available to us - while print literacy was the first mass media, it is now one of the mass media.
David Barton