The Court explained the problem with his writings (People v. Ruggles. 1811.): an attack on Jesus Christ was an attack on Christianity; and an attack on Christianity was an attack on the foundation of the country; therefore, an attack on Jesus Christ was equivalent to an attack on the country!
David BartonIn 1965, in Reed v. Van Hoven, a court determined (237 F.Supp. 48. W.D.Mich. 1965.) that it was permissible for students to pray over their lunch at school so long as no one knew they were praying - that is, they couldn't say words or move their lips, but they could pray only if no one knew about it!
David BartonThe Founders intended only to prevent the establishment of a single national denomination, not to restrain public religious expressions.
David BartonWe do have a Godly heritage in America, but we have been robbed - robbed by the 3 percent.
David Barton