It will be full of precious stones and jewels, and best of all, full of precious souls!-Immortal souls, saved souls that love Jesus and that you won to the Lord.
David BergWe have in effect renounced our Worldly citizenship when we receive the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords, God of Heaven, Son of Righteousness and the Kingdom of Heaven into our hearts, and have made the Heavenly City our Home!
David BergProbably hundreds of thousands of saved pregnant mothers are going to be going up in the Rapture, and you know good and well they are going to have their babies either in Heaven or when they get back to Earth in the Millennium!
David BergHeaven is something that we can easily get excited and thrilled about and look forward to. It will be like Christmas is for children, only it will be the greatest Christmas we've ever had!
David BergThe Lord may want to colonise other Worlds with His new perfect children! What's the whole Universe for and all this huge amount of space if He's only interested in colonising one little Planet? What an incubation! What an incubator for other civilizations!-Right here on the New Earth and the Heavenly City!
David Berg