Our Heavenly bodies will be able to dematerialise, pass from dimension to dimension, walk right through walls and locked doors as Jesus did, appear and disappear at will and travel with the speed of thought!
David BergThe whole point of Heaven is to relieve us of the suffering, pain, death and tears brought into the world by the evil of humanity. That is why God says that in Heaven there will be no more sorrow, pain, death or crying.
David BergHeaven is not so terribly different from this present existence to where we can't even comprehend or understand it. Otherwise, when we arrived there, we would be completely lost and we wouldn't be able to relate to it.
David BergOne reason I like to talk about Heaven, think about Heaven and read about Heaven is because, after all, that's where we're going to spend Eternity, so it's a pretty important place and we ought to be pretty interested, don't you think? It's our Eternal Home, the place Jesus has gone to prepare for us forever, so we certainly ought to be interested in it and want to know what it's like and what we're going to be like when we get there!
David BergOne of the best things about Heaven is that we will be able to reunite with loved ones who have already passed on. It will be the greatest family reunion we've ever known, with our loved ones, relatives and ancestors all together in one place at the same time, rejoicing. All together at last!
David Berg