The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but that doesn't mean you can't have meat and drink in the Kingdom!
David BergGod will probably allow us to ask questions about and discover some of the things we've always been curious about. Isn't it marvelous to think about how we will be able to actually meet and talk to people who lived throughout history?
David BergMusicians can look forward to playing with the best musicians that ever played. They can even have their own band!
David BergHeaven is going to be like this life, only better. It will be like this life with all its joys and beauties and pleasures, but without the drawbacks - with all the assets but none of the liabilities.
David BergThe City that God is building for you and me, not even death can pass its gates! God's City of Tomorrow, His garden of the gods, will have no pain nor death nor sorrow!
David BergFor He hath prepared for them a City! Hallelujah? He's got a City for you & me where you're not going to have any passport nor visa problems, they're not going to have to make sure you've got enough money to stay there awhile, it's YOUR town, your Hometown in Heaven, praise God? And they're all going to be your people! We're just going to be one nationality of one nation, ...we just haven't found the place yet, we haven't gotten there yet!
David Berg