O how much mercy have I received the year past! How often has God caused his goodness to pass before me! And how poorly have I answered the vows I made this time twelve-month, to be wholly the Lord's, to be forever devoted to his service! The Lord help me to live more to his glory for the time to come. This has been a sweet, a happy day to me; blessed be God... I hardly ever so longed to live to God and to be altogether devoted to Him. I wanted to wear out my life in His service, and for His glory.
David BrainerdI cared not where or how I lived, or what hardships I went through, so I could but gain souls to Christ
David BrainerdIt is remarkable that God began this work among the Indians at a time when I had the least hope, and to my apprehension the least rational prospect of success.
David BrainerdOh, how precious is time, and how it pains me to see it slide away, while I do so little to any good purpose.
David Brainerd