Societies would _not_ be better off if everyone were like Mr Spock, all rationality and no emotion. Instead, a balance - a teaming up of the internal rivals - is optimal for brains. ... Some balance of the emotional and rational systems is needed, and that balance may already be optimized by natural selection in human brains.
David EaglemanThose with Anton's syndrome are not pretending they are not blind; they truly believe they are not blind. Their verbal reports, while inaccurate, are not lies. Instead, they are experiencing what they take to be vision, but it is all internally generated.
David EaglemanWe don't really understand most of what's happening in the cosmos. Is there any afterlife? Who knows.
David EaglemanOne of the most impressive features of brains - and especially human brains - is the flexibility to learn almost any kind of task that comes its way.
David Eagleman