All of life's experiences are teachers in some sense, challenging us to grow and evolve. Although the Persecutor certainly provokes a reaction, the Challenger elicits a response by encouraging the Creator to acquire new knowledge, skill, or insight. Both roles provoke change, but in different ways.
David Emerald WomeldorffThe way you create any outcome in your life is to hold the vision of your deepest desires. At the same time, though, you must honestly and accurately assess your current situation and how it relates to your greater vision. By doing this, you engage tension between what is and what can be. This tension is the primary creative force behind the manifestation of any outcome. It's as natural and powerful as the force of gravity.
David Emerald WomeldorffWhatever I hold in my mind tends to manifest itself in my life. What we believe and assume creates most of our reality and our experience.
David Emerald WomeldorffTED-The Empowerment Dynamic-counteracts the poison of DDT, the Dreaded Dram Triangle. TED is the antidote for DDT.
David Emerald WomeldorffGive yourself the gift of time in coming to answers for your life...It takes time, and a lot of introspection and soul-searching, to get clear about what you really want to manifest in your life.
David Emerald WomeldorffA Creator is vision-focused and passion-motivated. To really live into your Creator self, you are called to do the inner work necessary to find your own sense of purpose-whatever touches your heart and holds meaning for you.
David Emerald WomeldorffYour life is a kind of laboratory where you're constantly experimenting with your own higher knowing, always increasing your capacity to design the life you choose. Human beings must create; it's hardwired. The question is, are you consciously creating or only sleepwalking through your human life?
David Emerald Womeldorff