I knew my limitations and the limitations of the courts I played on, and adjusted thusly. I was at my best in bad conditions.
David Foster WallaceBeauty is not the goal of competitive sports, but high-level sports are a prime venue for the expression of human beauty.
David Foster WallaceI have now seen sucrose beaches and water a very bright blue. I have seen an all-red leisure suit with flared lapels. I have smelled suntan lotion spread over 2,100 pounds of hot flesh. I have been addressed as "Mon" in three different nations. I have seen 500 upscale Americans dance the Electric Slide. I have seen sunsets that looked computer-enhanced. I have (very briefly) joined a conga line.
David Foster WallaceWorship power - you will feel weak and afraid, and you will need ever ore power over others to keep the fear at bay. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart - you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out.
David Foster WallaceThe job of the first eight pages is not to have the reader want to throw the book at the wall, during the first eight pages.
David Foster WallaceThat as people age, accumulate more and more private experiences, their sense of history tightens, narrows, becomes more personal? So that to the extent that they remember events of social importance, they remember only for example 'where they were' when such-and-such occurred. Et cetera et cetera. Objective events and data become naturally more and more subjectively colored.
David Foster Wallace