My mom told me to do whatever I wanted to do and don't get too anxious about it.
Fame for fame's sake is never a good road to go down.
I was part of Quintuplets, I played a cat - this is my first drama.
I wouldn't say I'm the anchor, I'm the one person who sees everyone at work - I don't get to see a lot of people outside of work too much because I'm there all the time. Everyone asks me "how you doing, have you slept?" so I know I'm working long hours.
The workload is so heavy you forget about thinking, it just kind of happens.
The director of the [Grimm] pilot called me in. I had worked on a pilot called Love Bites with him, and the producers I worked on with on Hot In Cleveland, so they knew me from comedic worlds, and they wanted someone who could be light too. Because it is pretty heavy.