If a policy is wrongheaded, feckless and corrupt, I take it personally and consider it a moral obligation to sound off and not shut up until it's fixed.
David HackworthWhat we need to do is follow the axiom of World War II which was 'Loose Lips Sink Ships' and the media has really got to follow that.
David HackworthRespecting your opponent is the key to winning any bout. Hold your enemy in contempt and you may miss the strategy behind his moves
David HackworthFortunately, it's still not too late to develop a comprehensive global strategy to eliminate our real enemy.
David HackworthWe citizens don't need to know every detail of every military operation in this new kind of war. Nor should the media tell us and hence our enemy.
David HackworthThat's what supporting the troops is really all about - making sure American grunts get the right stuff!
David HackworthTerrorism, too, must be excised wherever it exists, which will take years, and which can't happen without the total commitment and the everyday involvement of the American people.
David HackworthFighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can't be treated just where it's visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed.
David HackworthThat's because international Islamic religious fanatics have the same goal as the Axis fascists - the destruction of our way of life.
David HackworthIn order to drill into young men the need to stay alert and stay alive, I used to punish offenders with my fists, boots and rifle butt, and with stockade time.
David HackworthTheir plan is to return the entire world - not just the Middle East - to the days of the caliphate and either convert all of us so-called infidels into born-again Islamic believers or kill us.
David HackworthBecause our homeland and very survival are once more at stake, the American people can't afford to treat this new war against terrorism like they did Vietnam.
David Hackworth