My parents, who were Communists, always pretended to be American patriots. You can always convince yourself you are: 'I love America, I just want it to be perfect, which it will be when it becomes a Soviet Communist state'. When the left called for 'liberation' what it really wanted was to erase the human slate and begin again. Like everybody else, I see things that need to be improved. I just am mindful of the fact that they can be made a lot worse.
David HorowitzWe can trust our doctors to be professional, to minister equally to their patients without regard to their political or religious beliefs. But we can no longer trust our professors to do the same.
David HorowitzRichard Barager has written THE novel of the Sixties - a passion-filled, pitch-perfect, roller coaster of a tale about the decade that divides us all.
David HorowitzThe left's inability to understand the most basic economic fact - that people need an incentive to produce - has caused the unnecessary deaths of tens of millions of people - mostly poor - in the last 75 years. But thanks to a politically corrupted media and educational system, their pigheaded pursuit of socialist fantasies goes on.
David Horowitz