There's only one thing to do with God's offer of the gift of salvation: Say "thank you" and embrace it.
David JeremiahWhat a loving God we serve! Not only has He prepared a heavenly dwelling for us, but His angels also accompany us as we transition from this world to the next.
David JeremiahThe universe is filled with the evidence of God's greatness. In awesome wonder we can consider the worlds He has made.
David JeremiahThe man who loves his wife above all else on earth gains the freedom and power to pursue other noble, but lesser, loves.
David JeremiahWhen the Bible uses the words salvation, Savior, and save, it's speaking of the total work of God in bringing people from a state of death - hopeless separation from God - to a state of everlasting life through the forgiveness of sin, based on the merits of Christ Jesus who died and rose again. Saving us is the greatest and most concrete demonstration of God's love, the definitive display of His grace throughout time and eternity.
David Jeremiah