I've always played Vash [in the Sausage Party]. I played him at the table read. We probably did five or six table reads over the course of the first five years of trying to get it made and finally getting it made. I saw a lot of actors come and go, but I stuck around, so I guess they were happy with what I was doing. No one could play a lavash wrap like I could.
David Krumholtz[Amy Sedaris] is awesome to work with. She's an amazing person. She makes her own line of catnip toys, and she gave me a bunch for my cat. It meant the world to me. She also got me stuff for my daughter, but I was more enamored with what she gave me for my cat.
David KrumholtzI got scared away from the whole writing and producing thing, because of how really, truly difficult this was.
David KrumholtzI did a pilot for Judd Apatow when I was 20 years old, so 18 years ago. The same year that he did that pilot, he made another pilot called Freaks And Geeks.Judd felt bad for me because I was living in L.A. by myself. Not only did he put me in an episode of Freaks And Geeks, but he was like, "Hey, just come hang out. I'm on set, getting to know everybody." I started hanging with everybody, and they were all either my age or a little younger. Seth and I just got along really well - Jason Segel and I, too - and before you know it, it was a really strong, solid group of friends.
David Krumholtz