Michael J. Copps, acting FCC chairman, has denounced the lack of racial and gender diversity in the broadcast industry as 'a shameful state of affairs.' Unsurprisingly, his proposed corrective is to force the transfer of station ownership to greater numbers of minorities, who are statistically more likely to carry liberal talk shows.
David LimbaughWe are living in a time when the very integrity of the Constitution is being threatened daily, from federal bailouts to federal assumption of control over private business.
David LimbaughAny concerns that Romney will adopt McCain's milquetoast campaign model are quickly diminishing.
David LimbaughOne might reasonably wonder whether any amount of failed results would cause liberals to reevaluate the wisdom - and even fairness - of their proposals.
David LimbaughSurely people can now see that it is no accident that he, Obama, sat at the feet of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, that he is mother was a leftist activist and cultural Marxist, that his main early mentor was radical Frank Marshall Davis, that he was a member of the far-left New Party in Chicago, that his main vocation in life has been street organizing and agitation and that he didn't think the revolutionarily, transformative Warren court was liberal enough.
David Limbaugh