One day while Lloyd George was making a political speech before a big crowd, a heckler yelled, "Wait a minute, Mr. George. Isn't it true your grandfather used to peddle tinware around here in an oxcart hauled by a donkey?" Lloyd George replied, "I digress just a moment and thank the gentlemen for calling that to my attention. It is true, my dear old grandfather used to peddle tinware with an old cart and a donkey. As a matter of fact, after this meeting is over, if my friend will come with me, I will show him that old cart, but I never knew until this minute what became of the ass."
David Lloyd GeorgeLucidity of speech is unquestionably one of the surest tests of mental precision...In my experience a confused talker is never a clear thinker.
David Lloyd GeorgeA young man who isn't a socialist hasn't got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn't got a head.
David Lloyd GeorgeA fully equipped duke costs as much to keep up as two Dreadnoughts, and dukes are just as great a terror - and they last longer.
David Lloyd George