If we believe that humanity may transcend tooth and claw, if we believe divers races & creeds can share this world as peaceably as the orphans share their candlenut tree, if we believe leaders must be just, violence muzzled, power accountable & the riches of the Earth & its Oceans shared equitably, such a world will come to pass.
David MitchellFreedom!- is the fatuous jingle of our civilization, but only those deprived of it have the barest inkling re: what the stuff actually is.
David MitchellHumans live in a pit of cheating, exploiting, hurting, incarcerating. Every time, the species wastes some part of what it could be. This waste is poisonous.
David Mitchellwhy human beings despise what is beautiful and good, and seek to destroy the things they need the most
David MitchellI can't bear living in this huge beautiful world and not try to imitate it as best I can.
David Mitchell