I don't know if it was related to the type of music that we were doing at that time or what, but Todd Cook actually just turned to me and was like, "You know what would be a great name for a metal band? Dead Child." We talked half-jokingly that we were going to do a band. I guess as time went on, I started writing songs that were more metal sounding, and it just evolved from there. It actually started with the name first, and then the songs came second.
David PajoMost people found out about Slint in the mid or late 90s, but we were an '80s band. We started in 1986 and broke up at the end of 1990.
David PajoWe were pretty normal - suburban kids having a good time playing in bands. We were silly. We weren't dark, intense, humorless people. Humor was one of the connecting forces among us. It was more like camaraderie.
David PajoIt was pretty common to form bands that only lasted a few years. Slint was my favorite band that I was in at the time, and I didn't realize that I was bummed out about it until quite a while later.
David PajoI stayed a kid for a pretty long time, and the logistics of being in a band, I did not take seriously at all.
David Pajo