The gospel reveals the glory of God. According to God's Word, he is the sovereign Creator of all things.
David PlattConsider what it takes for successful businessmen and businesswomen, effective entrepreneurs and hardworking associates, shrewd retirees and idealistic students to combine forces with a creative pastor to grow a "successful church" today. Clearly, it doesn't require the power of God to draw a crowd in our culture. A few key elements that we can manufacture will suffice.
David PlattSo what is the difference between someone who willfully indulges in sexual pleasures while ignoring the Bible on moral purity and someone who willfully indulges in the selfish pursuit of more and more material possessions while ignoring the Bible on caring for the poor? The difference is that one involves a social taboo in the church and the other involves the social norm in the church.
David PlattSo the challenge for us is to live in such a way that we are radically dependent on and desperate for the power that only God can provide.
David PlattWe assume that our race simply deserves heaven; that God owes heaven to us unless we do something really bad to warrant otherwise.
David PlattFaith is the realization that God's pleasure in you will never be based upon your performance for him.
David PlattAsk, could my gifts, education, career, or experience be used to spread the gospel where itโs needed most?
David PlattWe have a dangerous tendency to misunderstand, minimize, and even manipulate the gospel in order to accommodate our assumptions and our desires.
David PlattA high view of Godโs sovereignty fuels death-defying devotion to global missions. Maybe another way to put it, people, and more specifically pastors, who believe that Godโs sovereign over all things will lead Christians to die for the sake of all peoples.
David PlattDisciple making is not a call for others to come to us to hear the gospel but a command for us to go to others to share the gospel.
David PlattThe message of biblical Christianity is 'God loves me so that I might make him- his ways, his salvation, his glory, and his greatness- known among all nations.' Now God is the object of our faith, and Christianity centers around him. We are not the end of the gospel; God is'
David PlattAnd as we meet needs on earth, we are proclaiming a gospel that transforms lives for eternity. The point is not simply to meet a temporary need or change a startling statistic; the point is to exalt the glory of Christ as we express the gospel of Christ through the radical generosity of our lives.
David PlattChristianity does not begin with our pursuit of Christ, but with Christโs pursuit of us.
David PlattDo you and I believe him (Christ) enough to obey him and to follow him wherever he leads, even when the crowds in our culture - and maybe in our churches - turn the other way?...For the sake of an increasingly marginalized and relatively ineffective church in our culture, I want to risk it all. For the sake of my life, my family, and the people who surround me, I want to risk it all.
David PlattWe can so easily deceive ourselves, mistaking the presence of physical bodies in a crowd for the existence of spiritual life in a community.
David PlattBeing a member of a church means realizing that we are responsible for helping the brothers and sisters around us to grow as disciples of Jesus. In the same way, they are responsible for helping us. We desperately need each other in the daily fight to follow Christ in a world that's full of sin.
David PlattUltimately, tragedy on earth can only be understood rightly from the perspective of heaven.
David PlattAnd while we stand with conviction and courage, we must live with compassion. Amid a world with massive social needs around us, ranging from desperate poverty and orphan crises and millions of girls being trafficked for sex, to the degradation of marriage and the abortion of babies, we need to speak and act with selfless love on all of these issues.
David PlattEvery saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell.
David PlattThe key is realizing - and believing - that this world is not your home. If you and I ever hope to free our lives from worldly desires, worldly thinking, worldly pleasures, worldly dreams, worldly ideals, worldly values, worldly ambitions, and worldly acclaim, then we must focus our lives on another world.
David Platt