Most of us entered journalism and joined "news organizations" because we care about the greater good. We strive to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
David ShusterI think when Fox News goes to the Megyn Kellys, the Bret Baiers, and people who donโt have much experience, who havenโt covered campaigns, the result is, sometimes you have these inane questions that come out and, frankly, waste everybodyโs time.
David ShusterThe script was classic Joe Eszterhas, intelligent, steamy and provocative. At one time, Eszterhas was Hollywood's highest paid writer, illiterate rock and roll bad boy whose 14 films glorified sex, drugsa nd cigarettes. Eszterhas also fought publicly with producers and politicians. In 1995 he argued that some of the misdeeds of the Nixon, Reagan and Bush administrations were more obscene than anything in an "R" rated movie.
David ShusterThere are a lot of folks at Fox News who bring a certain level of sophistication to their understanding of politics.
David ShusterI think that every day is a learning experience. I mean, every time I go to a school I learn something else from a teacher or learn something else from a student, I learn something else from a parent. There's so much to know when you talk about education.
David ShusterI consider part of lower Manhattan to be hallowed ground. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in the World Trade Center towers... and for that reason alone, our nation should make absolutely sure that what gets built on Ground Zero is an inspiring tribute to all who loved the Twin Towers, worked in them, and died there.
David Shuster