There is a marvelous story of a man who once stood before God, his heart breaking from the pain and injustice in the world. "Dear God." he cried out, "look at all the suffering, the anguish and distress in your world. Why don't you send help?" God responded,"I did send help. I sent you." When we tell our children that story, we must tell them that each one of them was sent to help repair the broken world-and that it is not the task of an instant or of a year, but of a lifetime.
David WolpeOne of the things that makes God different from people is that God is always available to listen.
David WolpeI see the role of a rabbi or a pastor in general sort of like the role of a quarterback who throws the ball a little bit ahead of the receiver - that is you want to make people run just a bit to catch up to the message that you offer.
David WolpeYou have to guard the integrity of your soul and what you believe and have a certain amount of faith not only the country but in God that this is part of the mission.
David Wolpe