I've had good publishers and bad publishers, and you've got to learn when the advice is sensible and when it's not.
Dean Koontz...he was part of a family whether he wanted to be or not, the family of humanity, more often than not a frustrating and contentious clan, flawed and often deeply confused, but also periodically noble and admirable, with a common destiny that every member shared.
Dean KoontzA plot without action is like pasta without garlic, like Dolly Parton without cleavage, and like a writer without his similes.
Dean KoontzThe snow did not even whisper its way to earth, but seemed to salt the night with silence.
Dean KoontzI have more self-doubt than any writer I've ever known.... The positive aspect of self-doubt - if you can channel it into useful activity instead of being paralyzed by it - is that by the time you reach the end of a novel, you know precisely why you made every decision in the narrative, the multiple purposes of every metaphor and image.
Dean Koontz