I really believe that everyone has a talent, ability, or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life.
Dean KoontzDoubt is poison. It leads to a loss of faith in yourself, and in all that's good and true.
Dean KoontzThe hands of every clock are shears, trimming us away scrap by scrap, and every time piece with a digital readout blinks us towards implosion.
Dean KoontzMaybe the devil in human beings isn't the reflection of the devil, perhaps the devil is only a reflection of the savagery and brutality of our kind. Maybe what we've done is create the devil in our own image
Dean KoontzGiven enough time, you could convince yourself that loneliness was something better, that it was solitude, the ideal condition for reflection, even a kind of freedom. Once you were thus convinced, you were foolish to open the door and let anyone in, not all the way in. You risked the hard-won equilibrium, that tranquility that you called peace
Dean Koontz