...we are all a volume on the shelf of the... library, a story unto ourselves, never possibly described with one word or even very accurately with thousands.
Deb CalettiI finally learned that it was all right to say something wasnโt working for me when it wasnโt working. The world doesnโt come crashing down when you speak the truth.
Deb CalettiBut sometimes, too, you have this little feeling of knowing, this fuzzy, gnawing sense that someone will become a major something in your life. You just know that theirs will be a life you will enter and become a part of.
Deb CalettiIn the two months I had also dated Justin Fellowes, this guy in my Spanish class, though after three weeks we decided we should "see other people," which in my case was a joke, but it beat hearing him remark on everything I ate. 'I don't know why girls are always on a diet,' he'd say when I ordered a Diet Coke, and 'You should watch your starch intake' when I had a muffin.
Deb CalettiIt was more work than it seemed, looking through a telescope, as the Earth was continually moving and you had to move along with it. You don't realize how fast this acutally happens, and it's kind of both creepy and wonderful when you stop to think about it. And it makes you realize there's absolutely no way to avoid change. You can sit there and cross your arms and refuse it, but underneath you, things are still spinning away.
Deb CalettiIt makes you realize how basically everything we do comes down to a) mating or b) competing for resources. Itโs just like Animal Planet, only weโve got Cover Girl and Victoriaโs Secret instead of colored feathers and fancy markings, and the violence occurs at the Nordstromโs Half-Yearly Sale.
Deb Caletti