This is just one of those annoying and unjust differences between you and your younger sibling...I was probably fifteen before I could go to a friend's house without giving mom an FBI dossier on the people; Bex can practically hitchhike on the freeway with a mere "Have fun, honey.
Deb CalettiYou … You had always made the future feel safe. As long as you were in it too, beside me, I could be okay.
Deb CalettiWe don't want you convicted for condiment theft. You go to that prison, you'll meet big-time operators. Maple syrup stealers.
Deb CalettiBut, dear God, don't listen to me. I'm an old lady in the middle of nowhere without a real toilet.
Deb CalettiEach story, good and bad, short or long-from that trip to the mall when you saw Santa, to a long, bad illness-they are all a line or a paragraph in our own life manuscript. Two thirds of the way through, even, and it all won't necessarily make sense, but at the end there'll be a beautiful whole, where every sentence of every chapter fits.
Deb Caletti